Sunday, February 15, 2009

I'm feeling the Anger... and doing it anyway. No wait- that's the Fear... gaaaaaaad dammit.

Just sent this to the FSA:

The Times:

"FSA chairman Lord Turner: we got it wrong but we'll keep our bonuses"

Dear Sir,

You are acting like lunatics.

You should not receive bonuses. NONE of you.

Why? because:

1) Other professions DO NOT, and function perfectly well. So why do you need them? Please explain.

2) In recent years, you have FAILED in the most spectacular fashion it's possible to imagine. HOW COULD YOU DO WORSE? Please explain.

3) "Uhh we need to attract good people." Excuse me? That system FAILED for ten years- why would it suddenly start working? Has something changed? Please explain.

Do you realise how demoralised and depressed the public is becoming by pronouncements from "important" men in suits? Very soon it will turn to anger.

Yours faithfully,
